Muzej na ''Makedonija'' Arheoloski, Etnoloski, Istoriski (Museum of F.Y.R.O.M Archaeological, Ethnological and Historical Department) Date founded: 1949 Photos by Miltos B.
First of all I want to apologize from my bad English grammar. As native Macedonian my mother language is Greek and not Slavic as some of the postmodernists professors claim arbitrarily.Enjoy the blog.
In an Open Letter to President Obama, 370 Professors ....
respectfully request to intervene to clean up some of the historical debris about Macedonian History left in southeast Europe by the Bush administration.
First of all I want to apologize from my bad English grammar. As native Macedonian my mother language is Greek and not Slavic as some of the postmodernists professors claim arbitrarily.
Our common international society cannot survive when history is ignored, much less when history is fabricated. FYROM, must to understand that it cannot build a national identity at the expense of historic truth.
very nice!! thank you