This is pursued continuously and systematically by certain interests, in every possible way and now, with ample economic means, throughout the whole world."

Publisher: Malliaris Paidia (2007), reprint
Language: English and Greek
ISBN: 978-960-457-093-5
During the last few years there's been some confusion about the Macedonians, their connection with the Greeks, and as a result, the continuation of the Greek (Hellenic) history. That confusion is artificial and it is:
- Generated by FYROM (Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia) and several factors that wish to serve their own interests by creating trouble in the Balkans, and,
- Conserved by the same factors and other people who have been misled into some weird hypothesis, as a result of a well designed propaganda.
This book aim to eliminate this confusion that spread specially from those that beleive in the non-Greek origin of the ancient Macedonians and spread falsifications.The main purpose is to demonstrate the arguments along with the facts so that the reader will discover the truth and will be able to distinguish it from the ridiculus theories that are so easily presented, but stand up to no critisism.
Lets see what Nikos Martis said
"The history of Macedonia is being falsified, no matter how inconceivable and ultimately condemned to failure such an action may at first sight appear to us Greeks. This is pursued continuously and systematically by certain interests, in every possible way and now, with ample economic means, throughout the whole world.
As a Macedonian and former Minister for Northern Greece, I have considered it my duty to inform both Greek and international public opinion of the groundlessness of such counterfeit contentions, and of the case-history of the falsification of Macedonian history.
It is not my aim here to add one more book to the history of Macedon. The incontestable documentation which I have collected and shall expose below to persuaded even those of bad faith,-proves that the creation of a nation through governmental decisions and the appropriation of the name, history and cultural inheritance of other peoples, is simply not possible.
If this illusion is not cleared up, the subject is bound to become more discordant, with danger of creating serious misunderstandings and unforeseeable entanglements, in a region where for a long time there has reigned a climate of friendship, cooperation and neighbourliness."
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